Video Marketing

Top Instagram Feed Ideas For Your Business

A company’s Instagram Page functions as its branding platform and an avenue for businesses to express their brand identity. Here we share with you unique feed ideas.

Instagram is all about presentation. Just like how Facebook is the online profile page for your business, Instagram is a representation of your company’s style. In other words, a company’s Instagram Page functions as its branding platform and an avenue for businesses to express their brand identity. These days, beautifully-shot high-quality pictures are not enough to grab the attention of social media users. Carefully curated feeds are the way to go in order to differentiate your feed from others. Here we share with you top unique feed ideas you can adopt to stay ahead of the game.

Aesthetic instagram board

All About the Colours

Choose about 3 to 4 colours that your brand is known for and have these colours represented in the photos that you post.

Pros: It helps to increase brand recall as consumers will be familiar with your brand and immediately tie the colours you use in your photos to your product or service. Cons: You would have to commit to these colours that you chose as changing them can cause consumers to not recognise that it is you.


Using colour on instagram

The Bigger Picture

Take a photo and split them up. Post them in separate posts to give your viewers the element of surprise when the picture is complete and they get to see the big picture!

Pros: It gives your viewers something to look forward to and an element of surprise if it is executed well. Cons: Each individual post might not make any sense, and those who have no patience to wait for the big picture to appear might just simply be uninterested to hang around for long.


Instagram example


Post similar images in threes so that each line of your grid appears to be of the same style.

Pros: You are able to change your theme easily after every 3 posts, and repeat them again if they are well liked by the public.Cons: When you post photo A and B without posting C yet, the grid is messed up and may not look neat.


Instagram feed example


Photos posted usually have large spaces and muted colours. It gives a clean and sleek look to the account as a whole.

Pros: The photos will look clean and neat, giving consumers and impression that your brand is sleek and smooth. Cons: In the long run, posts might become boring or uninteresting.


Ben and Jerry Instagram page
Ben & Jerry instagram page

Brand Products

Posts are concentrated on what the brand has to offer, such as its products and services.

Pros: It is very brand-centric and with one look the consumer would be able to tell what your product or service is about. Cons: It might appear messy as a whole and the viewer would not know where to look.


The key is to choose a theme that could best represent your brand to increase your brand’s recall amongst your consumers!

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