Social Media Marketing

How To Make Brand Building Work During The COVID-19 Crisis

Read on to see how these tips can help make your brand building work during COVID-19!

Being in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis is never easy for any individual or businesses. After all, in a sea of uncertainty - one will not know what to expect, anxiety will start rising, and the economy will take a big hit.

For some businesses, everything may even seem to be heading south.

While the economic crisis is indeed unavoidable, the negative impact can lessen and with the right marketing strategy and tools used; it may well be possible to turn things around and even be lucrative during such trying times.

Hence, why businesses are shifting their thoughts to all sorts of other methods to try and stay afloat amidst the current crisis. As for some, the solution may be brand building. Working on it makes it possible to remain relevant, attract existing customers and potential prospects, and even grow your business.

So, read on and see how these few tips can help to make brand building work!

Keep on marketing your business

Marketing is an ongoing practice that shouldn't stop; even during a pandemic like COVID-19.   Do not allow your brand to go under the radar just because things are getting a little rough. This is the time to increase your marketing oomph! These might be difficult times, but you can use what's available to your advantage.Here are some things you can do for marketing purposes:

  • Create social media videos and stay active: You can create an explainer video to attract most millennials to your social media pages.
  • Publish blog posts: Blogs are effective for marketing brands since many rely on what they read to know what a brand offers. Therefore, you can add frequent blogs to your website to increase traffic.
  • Live stream: From Q&As, interviews, behind-the-scenes, events, to customer support - there are many different ways to engage with your audience and stay connected with them.
  • Engage in influencer marketing: Based on a survey from the ANA, 75% per cent of marketers work with influencers as a new form of marketing. Social media video production, endorsements, blog reviews, and the like are some great examples used.
  • Podcasts: What else is personal like music and reaches to the audience in an ‘intimate’ way like no other? Podcasts. Not only easy-to-do from one’s humble abode - but it also lets people feel as if the host or guest is talking to them directly.

Reassess content on your website

Don't just leave your website dormant or let it have archaic information. People want fresh stuff to view - especially now that everyone seems to be stuck at home.   An outdated website will have people repelling from the website and checking out more current websites. A user may think your business is inactive or worst yet - not even operating at all.   The best way to make sure that you are on track is to research what your competitors are doing and try to stay ahead of them. This doesn't have to be a copy-paste mode, but you can learn meaningful tips and spin it a little.  More importantly, you will have to take a look at the website layout itself - which includes relooking into several factors such as:

  • Website design and appeal to your current audience and market
  • User-friendly
  • Signs of broken links
  • Attention-grabbing CTA (call-to-action)

Note: This is not an exhaustive list

Derive inspiration elsewhere

You can take a few hours of your time every day to seek inspiration from books, podcasts and even videos on YouTube.

Every day is a learning experience, and you might grab hold of one or two tips that will help your brand during such times - which may even help you to plan for the future!

Some of the ideas you get inspired with can help you when you launch new products, improve your services, and hosting a live stream, among many other important activities.

At the end of the day, if coming up with content for marketing isn't your strongest suit - fret not! All you've got to do is get hold of one of the best video production companies and pass on your ideas. At Big 3, we will be sure to meet your demands and elevate your marketing campaign.

Here at Big 3 Media, we're a video production company Singapore that offers a suite of services to market your business during these challenging times:

If you are looking for content marketing options for your business, drop us an email or message and find out how Big 3 Media can help you!

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