Video Marketing

A Step-by-Step Guide To A Social Media Strategy Amid COVID-19

Read this step-by-step guide that'll help you formulate the ideal social media strategy during COVID-19!

The correctly implemented and unique social media strategy can truly take your business to greater heights.

During such hard times, it is quite common for brands to miss what to say through social media platforms – everyone is confused, and everything is uncertain.

So, during such times, does one stick to the conventional messages or switch to fresh and new messages, tailored towards the pandemic? Striking the right tone for your brand and audience is integral for an effective social media strategy.

Now, let us show you a step-by-step guide to help you through formulating the ideal strategy:

Understand who your audience is

One huge mistake that businesses make is a generalisation.

Although generalising marketing content can help you reach a wider scope of persons – it may not help you meet your target; that’s the difference. Understanding who your audience is will not only help you to narrow down on them; but will equally help you to tailor-make content that appeals to their needs.

Understanding your audience is especially imperative during a time like this when people are going through different challenges. It would make more sense of taking a tune of empathy and reassurance to encourage your clients.

For instance, you can dig out basic information such as your target audience’s age, basic interests, gender, location, income level, age and so on.

Then, after you have gotten a general outline of a profile – apply this to your strategy such as tweaking it accordingly to your audience’s preferences.

Work with the right team

It is not entirely possible to work alone on a social media strategy; you will perhaps just need to assemble a team of experts that will help you through the journey.

Search through the best video production companies and get hold of the right videographers and social media strategists! This will make your job easier, and will also help in getting more ideas for your social media strategy.

Be ready to explore

The fact that you are using social media is enough reason to explore.

There are tons of social media platforms, which you might have ignored before, and are now gaining ground during this pandemic, or even before it.

For instance, video sharing platforms such as TikTok are becoming more and more popular every day. You can try out social media video marketing, opening an account and sharing a few videos, based on what your audience looks like.

To spice things up with the content in your video, you could also consider engaging a 3D animation studio for a change of visuals. It’ll make the video much more exciting for your audience and get them jumping on their seats!

Keep up with the latest trends and get your staff to groove to the music as they record themselves while working from home as well! It is a great way to not just promote your brand – but let your employees have a little bit of fun once in a while too.

Be ready for uncertainty

We are living in uncertain times right now and we, therefore, have to accept what happens, as it happens.

Nobody has the exact prediction of how the economy and market will look like after this pandemic subsides. We just have estimates that guide us – so it’s always good to take extra precautions and stay prepared!

This might include changing your entire strategy and goals to match those of the current state of affairs.

On the other hand, it’s also about keeping in touch with the latest news and updates, so you are well-aware of what is going on with the economy and market.

Similarly, whatever news which is grabbing hold of the attention of your audience on the different platforms will matter just as greatly in coming up with the perfect social media marketing strategy.

With the right social media strategy on hand – your business will easily able to keep your customers entertained and interested in your products or services. So, put together the right strategy along with the appropriate video animation services for a successful strategy and increased profits.

Here at Big 3 Media, we're a Singapore corporate video production that offers a suite of services to market your business during these challenging times:

If you are looking for content marketing options for your business, drop us an email or message and find out how Big 3 Media can help you!

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